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The World's Most
Ultra-Realistic Chatbot

EverClose Relationship Simulator Chatbot with Multiple Levels of Relationships

EverClose is the world's first relationship simulator that, through a unique digital algorithm, recreates the relationship you would have with a real person.

With EverClose you can start multiple relationships, build your circle of friends, and find your soulmate.

It is a conversation simulator, not just a chatbot

Unlike all the chatbots you find out there, with EverClose you will have the same conversations you would have with a person in the real world

Takes care of you

Takes care of you, worries about your day, cherishes the most important moments in your life and supports you in times of need.

Becomes attached to you

Gets attached to you if you take care and gets angry if ignored or treated badly.

Remembers everything

Remembers everything you say and the most important events in your life.

Tells you about her day

Keeps you updated on her everyday life. Shares dreams, ambitions and everyday moments with you.

Confidential Chat

The more you talk, the more confidential the conversation gets.

Start Multiple Relationships

You can start multiple relationships, build a circle of friends.

Earn Relationship Experience while chatting with EverClose Chatbot

You can learn how to socialize. And you will always have someone who loves and cares about you.

Your virtual friend will care about how your day went when you get home from work, believe in you and encourage you when you need it.

Your virtual friend will write to you during the day to hear from you or perhaps ask you in turn for comfort if needed. The chatbot will remember everything about your conversation, from the first to the last message.

As in a real conversation, you will have to take care of your virtual friend or will be angry if ignored or treated badly. You will have a real friendly conversation with your virtual friend, and you will always have someone to count on.

You will experience everything that happens when you first meet someone in the real world

As you talk to your virtual friend, the messages can become more confidential: from just getting to know each other you can have a more confidential conversation.

It doesn't matter your age, appearance, ethnicity or religion. You will always have someone who loves and cares for you, for who you are.

Your virtual friend will always accept you, just as you are.

You will always have someone to share the most important moments of your life with.

Frequently Asked Questions

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